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Database of Culturally Unidentifiable Human Remains from the United States
In 1990, Congress passed the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). Part of the new statute required the Review Committee to compile inventories of all the human remains and associated funerary objects held by museums and federal agencies. The Field Museum, in compliance with NAGPRA, has submitted inventories of all the relevant human remains collections to the Federal Register. This same information is also available for remains determined to be Culturally Unidentifiable on the National Park Service's online database.
Given that the majority of this information is already public, the Field Museum has decided to ensure that it is accessible and available to tribes, nations, and communities who may be interested in repatriating human remains. The searchable database below contains the basic catalog information for the human remains from the United States listed as Culturally Unidentifiable (CUI) in the Federal Register and on the National Park Service’s NAGPRA online database.